How to work from home effectively with your cat
Have you recently started working from home? While there can be many advantages to working from home (hello pajama bottoms!), there are also challenges to face, especially if you have new, furry co-workers.
Maybe Simba thinks that your keyboard is the purrrr-fect place for a nap.
The silver lining is, regardless of how difficult of a transition it has been for you or your cat, it means that you’re getting to spend more time with your furbaby. While there are definitely more snuggles involved, spending more time with your pet could also mean that you’re noticing certain behaviors you otherwise wouldn’t. Did you know over 80% of pets suffer from some form of anxiety?
One of most common causes of pet stress and anxiety is change. Cats get used to routines and a certain environment, and when that changes, it can be a difficult adjustment for many cats. Our pets are also very good at picking up cues from their humans. This means if you’re stressed out and worried, your pet could pick up on that too.
If your pets are exhibiting signs of anxiety and stress during this time, know that you’re not alone, and there are things you can do to help.
What does cat anxiety look like?
Pet anxiety comes in a variety of forms, but here are some common things that could be red flags:
- Incessant meowing
- Catt being glued to you while you are trying to work
- Pets misbehaving while you are on a call
- Pets fighting with each other
- Pets wanting to play constantly
For additional details on how to recognise anxiety in your cat, see our recent blog post.
How can you help with your cat’s stress?
1. Set a new normal
Cats appreciate routine. If possible, keep the same feeding schedule you had before the routine changed. Then set new routines for other activities and stick to them. For example, maybe you set up some play-time at lunch. Try to keep a routine when it comes to your solo activities as well. Take any short breaks and your lunch break at consistent times every day. Doing this will help your pets set expectations about your own behaviour.
2. Activity
Plan activities for your cat. Since they’re not used to you being home during the week, take a couple of breaks specifically to focus on them and give them some attention. For the rest of the day, get a nice toy to keep them occupied. Taking an outdoor break for some vigorous exercise right before an important virtual meeting call could help wear them out so they settle down. This means less distracting behaviour from your pets on conference calls! (Not to mention a boost in energy for yourself!)
3. Take some time for yourself
Don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. That means clearing your head and keeping your own anxiety and stress down. Take a break from social media and news. Try some meditation or relaxing yoga. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. These things all go a long way to keeping your own mental health in check.
4. Try cat anxiety products that are proven to help
FELIWAY is clinically proven to help manage signs of stress and anxiety for cats.
The FELIWAY Diffuser comforts cats at home and helps reduce signs of stress such as urine spraying, scratching or hiding.
Try these perfect calming companions for your furbaby!
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